Multi-purpose halls
Modern indoor facilities for sports and exercise are usually connected to schools. Being able to make maximum use of the sports hall is a must. It is an area that is often used for schooling during the day and by the school / local community in the evenings and weekends.

Sport and health in new light
Optimization of the premises also applies to lighting. In addition to being glare-free, and energy-efficient it is also important, because of their location, to consider low maintenance luminaires. The luminaires, and their louvre shutters, must be robust and withstand shock and impact. Moreover, it is important to be able to adapt and control lighting in sports halls. Perhaps the hall is divided into two parts with different activities, where a dance class has different lighting requirement to a volleyball game, for example. For large premises with varying activities, we also recommend daylight and presence control to save energy.
Guide for the multi-purpose halls
There are many different sizes and designs for halls and how they are built. Some halls, regardless of size, have capabilities for dividing teaching and activities into two or more spaces. This is an important aspect to be included in planning halls and controlling the lighting. The spaces that can be shared should also have their own control and occupancy detection.
If there are sports with different game orientations, such as handball along the hall and badminton across, dual lighting solutions may be required to ensure lighting that is adapted and glare-free for the different sports and orientations.
Normal lighting for competitions and matches is 750 lx on the floor, and lower levels during training or school gymnastics. There are also requirements for vertical illuminance so high balls, teammates and opponents can be seen.
A recommended solution for large halls for handball, bandy etc. 32 pcs Excis LED medium beam with a flow of 20,000 lm. Mounting height 7 m. Average illumination 530 lux.
Standard for sports lighting
As in many other areas, there is a standard for lighting sports facilities. The standard SS-EN 12193:2018, Light and lighting - Sports lighting, defines the lighting requirements for different sports divided into different classes, where you can find light levels for school sports, training and competitions at different levels. Fagerhult's solutions are designed to meet the uniformity requirements and glare standards according to the sports hall standard and the measurement manual from SKL, according to Class 2 for training and competition in lower divisions.
Lighting control for multi-purpose halls
For multi-purpose halls and their varied activities there are two different recommended lighting control systems. e-Sense Move Highbay works with wireless control between one or more interconnected luminaires, ideal for halls with high ceilings with large detection areas. The system can easily and effectively divide a multi-purpose hall into several sections.
e-Sense Customised Stand-alone, is another option, with multiple sensors connected for better occupancy detection where manual pushbuttons can be used to control the lighting in multi-purpose halls.