The dynamics of daylight
Daylight is the light that is naturally present during the light portion of the day. One aspect that is characteristic of daylight, particularly in the northern hemisphere, are the large variations that occur in light conditions – both through the day and the year, as well as depending on the weather.

The biological being
It is well known that daylight affects the human body biologically in a positive way. Natural daylight helps to keep the balance in our nervous systems and with the production of hormones in our bodies. Research has found that daylight helps us humans to synchronize with the natural rhythm of life. Too little daylight can affect how well we sleep, increase stress levels and cause mood swings. More daylight exposure can also have positive effects for patients after surgery. Common to all daylight is that it is the opposite of electrical – it is never perceived as static or flat. Colour temperature, intensity and brightness shift and keep us alert. It is these living signals from the world around us that our body interprets and processes.
How does light feel?
Since the beginning of our existence, we have lived outdoors with the sky as the ceiling and exposed to natural daylight. We are intricately linked to daylight and its constant shifts, and changes in natural light still affect our moods and our emotions. Although humans are still very much primarily biological beings, we must also consider the psychological impact light has on our well-being. How are different kinds of light perceived? What feelings are associated with a cloudy afternoon in November compared to a sunny morning in April?
These deep-seated emotions and settings for certain light conditions are closely linked to the dynamics of daylight. This is the basis of the DDL project.