
Within healthcare and nursing, the right lighting is essential to ensuring that the patient receives the right treatment. Different healthcare and nursing environments have different needs in terms of adjustment, control, brightness and colour reproduction. 

Patient room

Patient rooms in hospitals and medical facilities may differ a great deal in appearance, but they all have one thing in common – they are always human centric. Both the staff and the patient's needs must be met, therefore flexibility and high quality are a prerequisite.

2 minutes reading

Mental care

We know that human behaviour is influenced by our physical environment. Within mental healthcare services, an open and caring environment for patients is recommended, one which also provides a safe and attractive workplace for staff. We consider lighting a natural means for helping to achieve this.

2 minutes reading

Intensive care

For a seriously ill or injured patient, admission to an intensive care room can be critical. Here, visual conditions are central to patient safety, to ensure that healthcare staff can examine, treat and monitor the patient properly.

3 minutes reading

Operating theatre

The operating theatre is the heart of the hospital, a place where several disciplines meet – with different prerequisites and demands. The ambition is always to perform the procedures as quickly and effectively as possible, so as to minimise any possible complications for the patient.

2 minutes reading


Corridors are not only communication areas. They can also be distinct walkways to aid orientation in larger healthcare facilities. A good communication area is intended to facilitate movement and the flow of people, as well as provide structure within the building.

2 minutes reading

Póngase en contacto con nosotros y hablemos de su próximo proyecto

Sabemos que los retos y las necesidades difieren en función de quién sea y de la fase del proyecto en la que esté trabajando. Nuestros conocimientos sobre el proceso de planificación hacen que le resulte más sencillo hacerlo bien.