Ice hockey hall
Ice hockey is one of the fastest team sports. As a result, it requires a lot of light, for the players, the audience and the referees. It is a sport that gathers large crowds of people, both on-site and through live broadcast, which places even higher demands on the lighting.

From Tuesday training to festivities
In order for everyone on and around the ice to understand what is happening during the game, good lighting is required. In the lower divisions, 500–600 lx is often calculated on the ice, whereas in the case of TV broadcasts in the higher divisions at least 1,000 lx or higher is required. For TV broadcasts, flicker-free light is important, with strict demands regarding the vertical light towards the cameras. This is often the governing requirement regarding the lighting solution. High installation heights are common in this environment, so we recommend luminaires with medium or narrow beam light distribution. It is also important for the stands to be well lit in relation to the rink, so that the audience can follow the game and safely leave their seats.
Lighting control is also of great importance for the crowd's experience, since the lighting needs to sync with the actions on the ice. At the start of the game, lower light levels in combination with spotlights are often used to deliver clear spot lighting, which then quickly switches to full lighting when the game starts.
Solution with 600 lux: 68 pcs Induflex wide beam 20,000 lm. Mounting height 7 m. Average illumination 600 lux on the ice.
Solution with 1500 lux: 129 pcs Induflex medium beam 21,500 lm in the middle five rows. 46 pcs Induflex narrow beam 21,500 lm in the outer row on each side. Mounting height 11 m. Average illumination 1500 lux on the ice.
Standard for sports lighting
As in many other areas, there is a standard for lighting sports facilities. The standard SS-EN 12193:2018, Light and lighting - Sports lighting, defines the lighting requirements for different sports divided into multiple classes, where you can find light levels for school sports, training and competitions at all levels.