e-Sense Stage RTC Backup
34938 e-Sense Stage components 34938e-Sense Stage Stand-alone Control Box RTC Backup comes in a white finish and is designed for stand alone surface wall mounting or hidden above suspended ceilings. Surface ceiling mounting (upside down) is NOT permitted. The box is designed for permanent installation.
This box has a battery-free backup function that maintains the memory for up to 24 hours in the event of a power outage. When the power returns, the time is synchronized with the other components in the network via Bluetooth mesh. This makes it possible to ensure that the time is right when e.g. you have programmed time based scenarios.
e-Sense Stage components

e-Sense Stage is a solution for lighting control in public environments with a focus on stores and retail solutions. Comprised by a wide range of boxes that includes a variety of different functions, profiles and characteristics. ...
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