e-Sense Stage Relay
34936 e-Sense Stage components 34936e-Sense Stage Stand-alone Control Box Relay is available in a white finish and is designed for stand alone surface wall or ceiling mounting or hidden above suspended ceilings. The box is designed for permanent installation. The box contains a normally closed relay and is capable of managing the following loads via Bluetooth with the Casambi app.
Relay contact specification
Nominal current/Maximum current 12/20 A (80 A - 5 ms)
Nominal voltage 230 V AC
Type of load/Max load
LED luminaire with electronic driver/200 W
Fluorescent luminaire with electronic ballast / 400 W
230 V LED light source/200 W
Minimum connection load/1000 (10/10) mW (v/mA)
e-Sense Stage components

e-Sense Stage is a solution for lighting control in public environments with a focus on stores and retail solutions. Comprised by a wide range of boxes that includes a variety of different functions, profiles and characteristics. ...
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