Classrooms with pendant lighting
In classrooms, it is important to have a good balance between direct light at workspaces and ambient lighting against walls and ceilings. Our suspended luminaires distribute light efficiently without glare, providing even lighting in the workspace.

Pendant luminaires
A good solution for elementary schools is to use luminaires with 30-50 percent upward light, or a luminaire with adapted glare protection, to create a uniform illumination on the work surface. We prefer a flexible lighting solution with control, as teaching activities require different levels of concentration and different types of presentations for groups. Different zones in classrooms, such as at boards and screens, may require special adaptation of the lighting. We recommend multiple rows of luminaires in classrooms, so that light levels are sufficiently high.
By providing lighting with control, you can adapt energy consumption and the classroom becomes more energy efficient and sustainable. The standard SS-EN 15193-1:2017 provides common guidelines for calculating energy consumption in a uniform manner.
1. Suspended solution with presentation light, 60% at workplaces and 100% on boards.
2. Suspended solution with working light, 100% at workplaces.
Light planning according to Human Centric Lighting
Human Centric Lighting comprises lighting solutions that meet people’s visual, biological and emotional light needs by means of a combination of daylight and electric lighting. With lighting that supports the human circadian rhythm, it is possible to create work environments that help people both to sleep and feel better, as well as to be more productive. This is achieved, in part, through a combination of different levels of light intensity as well as different colour temperatures. To get the right dose of light, we can either opt for a large amount of light for a short period of time or less light for a longer period, ranging from 30 minutes to 3 hours. Here at Fagerhult, we recommend starting the day with 250 melanopic lux for 2 hours.
Lighting with a biological impact on our circadian rhythm can be planned within the framework of all lighting projects using the factor Melanopic Ratio, which we present for all our luminaires.
Recommended lighting in the morning 6000 K, at noon 4000 K and in the afternoon, 3000 K.
Lighting control for suspended lighting classrooms
We recommend Organic Respons for suspended lighting in classrooms. This is an intelligent lighting control system that distributes information between sensors without physical interconnection. Each luminaire is equipped with a sensor that connects occupancy detection. This, combined with wireless/battery-free pushbuttons, creates a true Plug and Play system for the smart classrooms of the future.
We offer complete classroom solutions, where our most cost-effective luminaires have been equipped with Organic Response and where board lighting and pushbuttons can also easily be selected.